Spider-man - Web of Shadows is our friendly neighbor spider's newest game. At first sight, the game might actually look like its predecessor, but, looking closer, you will see a lot of changes. I am personally a fan of the Spider-man games, and I can honestly say that I have played them all. This one is the best so far. The game, which takes on elements from the last movie, allows you to choose between a path of righteousness or evil. You can let certain influences turn you into a devil character and thus completely destroy New York City, or be the good Spider-man that we all know. In doing so, you are confronted with certain enemies, and are given allies. The game graphics are better than the last game. The camera has changed to make movement more dramatic and fast-paced. The game shows a sense of action that I really like. There are many objectives that you can complete, and you pretty much can complete them in any order that you want. The cut-scenes show a lot about the plot and are well designed. The controls are as good as always, and they allow you to freely roam around the sandbox map that is the city of New York.
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